
Software and such

Oct 14, 2022

Coroutines (practical)

So you have been handed a generator co-routine…

This is a explanation of how to practically work with generator coroutines in Python. If you are willing to accept the rules laid out in this (not so) short guide as empirical observations then you should be able to productively work with generator co-routines. In a future post I intend to dive into the “why” (and the “why this makes sense”), but this is the pragmatic view.

Generator coroutines in Python have two bi-directional communication channels

  1. data yield / send()
  2. exceptions via raise / throw()

and two unidirectional channels

  1. data via return
  2. close() to exit the coroutine immediately

Another way to look at this is generator co-routines have two “happy path” communication channels:

  1. data yield / send()
  2. data via return

and two “sad path” communication channels:

  1. exceptions via raise / throw()
  2. close() to exit the coroutine immediately

Each of these channels has a different purpose and without one of them co-routines would be incomplete. You may not need to (explicitly) use all of these channels in any given application.

yield / send() data channel

The first half of this channel is yield which will (as the name suggests) yield value out of the coroutine. If we only use the yield the we have a “generator function”, for example if we write

def my_gen():
    yield 'a'
    yield 'b'
    yield 'c'

which we can then use with the iteration protocol as:

>>> list(my_gen())
['a', 'b', 'c']

More explicitly, what list (or a for loop) is doing under the hood is:

>>> g = my_gen()
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

The way that the generator communicates that it is exhausted is by raising the StopIteration exception. We will come back to the raised Exception object in a bit.

Using yield we can get information out of generator coroutine, to get data into the generator coroutine we need to capture a left-hand side of the yield as

def my_gen():
    in1 = yield 'a'
    print(f'got {in1!r}')
    in2 = yield 'b'
    print(f'got {in2!r}')

If we pass that to list we see:

>> list(my_gen())
got None
got None
['a', 'b']

What this (and next) is doing under the hood is

>>> g = my_gen()
>>> g.send(None)
>>> g.send(None)
got None
>>> g.send(None)
got None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

The sequence is:

  1. Create the generator. At this point no code has run yet.
  2. The first .send() runs the coroutine up to the first yield and sends the right hand side out. The value of the first .send must be None because there is no way to access the value passed in.
  3. The coroutine is suspended until the next send(). The value pass to the second send() is assigned to the left hand side of the yield expression.
  4. The coroutine runs until the next yield and sends out the right hand side. We then go back to step 3 until there are no more yield expressions in the coroutine.
  5. when the coroutine returns Python will raise the StopIteration exception for us.

To see this more clearly, re-running the above code but sending in diffrent values at each step:

>>> g = my_gen()
>>> g.send(None)
>>> g.send('step 1')
got 'step 1'
>>> g.send('step 2')
got 'step 2'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

return data channel

So far we have not used return and relying on the implicit return None that Python provides. As with any Python function we put a return in our coroutine:

def my_gen():
    in1 = yield 'a'
    print(f'got {in1!r}')
    in2 = yield 'b'
    print(f'got {in2!r}')
    return 'Done!'

However, this raise the question of how do we get to the returned value? It can not come back as the return from .send() as that is where the yield values are carried. Instead the value is carried on the StopIteration exception that is raised when the iterator is exhausted.

>>> g = my_gen()
>>> g.send(None)
>>> g.send('step 1')
got 'step 1'
>>> g.send('step 2')
got 'step 2'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: Done!

To get the the value we need to catch the StopIteration and access ex.value.

>>> gen = my_gen()
>>> print('yielded: ', gen.send(None))
yielded:  a
>>> for j in count(1):
...     try:
...         print('yielded: ', gen.send(f'step {j}'))
...     except StopIteration as ex:
...         print(f'Returned: {ex.value}')
...         break
got 'step 1'
yielded:  b
got 'step 2'
Returned: Done!

It may be tempting to try and raise your own StopIteration rather than returning, however if you do Python will convert it to a RuntimeError. This is because Python can not tell the difference between your intentionally raising StopIteration and something you have called unexpectedly raising StopIteration. Pre Python 3.5 the StopIteration would be raised to the outer caller which would be interpreted as the generator returning normally which in turn would mask bugs in very confusing ways.

raise / throw channel

Like all Python we can use the standard exception raising and handling tools, however there are a couple a caveates.

  1. The co-routine must not raise StopIteration (as noted above)
  2. If you catch GeneratorExit the co-routine must return (see the section on close() below).

Any valid exception raised will inturn be raised from the call point of the obj.send() in the outer code, identically to how an exception called in a function will propogate to the call site.

>>> def my_gen(N):
...    for j in count():
...        if j >= N:
...            return f"Got {N} ints and are done"
...        a = yield f'{j}/{N} ints in a row'
...        if not isinstance(a, int):
...            raise ValueError("We only take integers!")

If we exhaust the “happy path” of this co-routine we see:

>>> gen = my_gen(3)
>>> gen.send(None)
'0/3 ints in a row'
>>> gen.send(1)
'1/3 ints in a row'
>>> gen.send(-1)
'2/3 ints in a row'
>>> gen.send(10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: Got 3 ints and are done

which raises StopIteration with the payload of a string as expected. However, if we were to send in not an integer

>>> gen = my_gen(3)
>>> gen.send(None)
'0/3 ints in a row'
>>> gen.send(5)
'1/3 ints in a row'
>>> gen.send('aardvark')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 7, in my_gen
ValueError: We only take integers!

However, if an unhandled exception is raised from a co-routine it is fully exhausted and subsequently sending in new values will immediantly raise StopIteration.

Sometimes it is necessary to inject an exception into a co-routine, for example to let the co-routine know the outer code did not like the last yielded value. This can be done with the obj.throw method which causes the passed Exception to be raised at the yield. Within the co-routine we can use all of the standard exception handling tools of Python:

>>> def my_gen():
...    for j in range(5):
...        try:
...            inp = yield j
...        except ValueError:
...            print("Ignoring ValueError")
...        else:
...            print("No exception")
...        finally:
...            print("Finish loop")
>>> gen = my_gen()
>>> gen.send(None)
>>> gen.send('a')
No exception
Finish loop
>>> gen.send(None)
No exception
Finish loop
>>> gen.throw(ValueError)
Ignoring ValueError
Finish loop
>>> gen.throw(RuntimeError)
Finish loop
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in my_gen

If the generator is exhausted than any exceptions thrown in are immediately re-raised.

close channel

Sometimes the outer caller of a generator needs to tell the co-routine to clean up and drop-dead. This is done via the gen.close() method which will cause a GeneratorExit exepction to be raised at the point where the co-routine is suspended (the yield). If the co-routine catches this exception and tries to yield additional values, then close() will raise a RuntimeError.

>>> def my_gen():
...     for j in count():
...         try:
...             yield j
...         except GeneratorExit:
...             print("I refuse to exit")
>>> gen = my_gen()
>>> gen.send(None)
>>> gen.send(None)
>>> gen.send(None)
>>> gen.close()
I refuse to exit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: generator ignored GeneratorExit

The reason that GeneratorExit is not suppressible is that it is as part of garbage collection and Python must be able to clean up the co-routine.

If the co-routine catches the exception and returns there is no way for the outer caller to access the returned value.

>>> def my_gen():
...     for j in count():
...         try:
...             yield j
...         except GeneratorExit:
...             print("I acquiese to your request.")
...             return 'Aardvark'
>>> gen = my_gen()
>>> gen.send(None)
>>> gen.send(None)
>>> gen.send(None)
>>> gen.close()
I acquiese to your request.

This is particularly useful if the co-routine is holding onto resources, such as open files or sockets, that need to be gracefully shut down.