This program takes in an hdf file of particle locations, computes
, and writes the results out to an hdf file.
The program expects three input arguments
- -i ifname
- the full path of the input file
- -o ofname
- the full path of the output files
- -c cfname
- the full path of the xml configuration file
Required function parameters in the xml file are
- nbins
- int The number of bins to use
- max_range
- float The maximum radius to compute g(r) to. This will also have an effet on the statistics of g(r) as only particles at least
away from the edge can be used.
- grp_name
- string the name of the top level group to write the results to. This may be removed
Required logistics parameters in the xml file are
- read_comp
- int the computation key of the data to read in
- write_comp
- int the computation key of the data to be written out
- dset
- int the dset number of the data being worked on
All of these numbers refer to the data base scheme, documented else where.